Saturday, December 31, 2011

Baby Gender Test

!±8± Baby Gender Test

The Baby Gender Test available is becoming more and more popular because once you have gotten over the celebrations of discovering that you are pregnant, the next question is are we having a baby boy or a baby girl? There are plenty of old wives tales out there for you to have a bit of fun with, (some are listed below) but until the Baby Gender Test came along couples had to wait until they were half way through the pregnancy. During the ultrasound it is possible to find out whether you are carrying a boy or a girl. An ultrasounds main purpose is to check the health of the baby not really to determine the gender but it is commonly being used for this purpose.

The test available can determine whether couples are having a baby boy or a baby girl as early as 7-9 weeks. The test is said to be 90 per cent accurate and takes only ten minutes to get the results.

The test that old wives use:
For a Girl
Heartbeat above 140
Carrying the baby high
Severe morning sickness

For a Boy
Heartbeat Below 140
Carrying the baby low
None or little morning sickness

An unusual baby gender test to have some fun with is:

Get someone to hide a spoon and a fork underneath some lounges or chairs and tell them to keep it a secret where each one is. Then pick a chair when you enter the room. If you pick the fork you are carrying a boy, spoon carrying a girl.

Baby Gender Test

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Sunday, December 25, 2011

12 Pomegranate Health Benefits

!±8± 12 Pomegranate Health Benefits

Countless studies have shown the seemingly countless benefits of fruits for a person's health. The U.S. Government recommends that people get several servings of fruits every day. Of all the fruits available in the market today, one fruit is at its height of popularity because of its legendary Greek mythology association and its exoticism-the pomegranate fruit.

Considered as one of the earliest fruits that have been cultivated along with grapes, figs, olives, and dates somewhere between 4000 B. C. E and 3000 B. C. E., pomegranate continued to be an emblem of fertility, rebirth, and health.

Dubbed as a "miracle fruit" by some fans, pomegranate has earned its popularity because it is thought to possibly help support the body's natural defenses against Alzheimer's disease, various cancers, coronary and heart diseases, arthritis and many ailments an aging person experiences. Because of its so -called anti-aging possibilities, pomegranate has had several food and beverage variations from juices, ice creams, dishes, and even in water that come in bottles.

Why is pomegranate good for you?

This handsome fruit is quite popular for its deep and purple-colored juice that is packed with lots of antioxidants that may help in maintaining a smooth and wrinkle free skin. But, aside from the possibility of helping people to maintain youthful and glowing skin by keeping the blood platelets together, there are so many health benefits of pomegranate to people of all ages. While no health claims are made regarding pomegranate whatsoever, here are some of the remedies and uses that some people hope pomegranate can help with.

1. It may help reduce the risk of having a heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes. Studies show that pomegranate juice daily may help support the normal blood flow to the heart. Because of its antioxidant properties, pomegranate keeps bad cholesterol from forming, and thus, may help keep the arteries clear of clots.

2. It may help support the body's normal defense in the prevention of certain cancers. Since pomegranates has very high levels of antioxidant called "flavenoids" that is thought to be effective in counteracting various cancer-causing radicals, more and more experts recommend this fruit as a possible part of a healthy diet. Because of flavenoids, many people are consuming pomegranate because it is believed to help support their good health.

3. It may help reduce the risks for illnesses such as atherosclerosis, osteoarthritis, and diabetes. Because of the properties of pomegranate, conditions that are known to cause the thickening and hardening of arterial walls and damage in cartilage and joints are hoped to be helped by this fruit. Studies are needed of course to get test results. No claims are made as to what the pomegranate may or may not help.

4. It is a rich source of various vitamins. Pomegranate is a good, natural source of vitamins A, C and E as well as folic acid.

5. It is rumored to help reduce the possibility of having premature babies. Pomegranate juice and extract is thought by some people to help expectant mothers avoid having low birth weight babies.

6. Some users claim it is beneficial for relieving minor illnesses such as core throat.

7. Other users believe it might reduce the possibility of developing Alzheimer's disease among older people.

8. It is prized in some countries for the belief that it might help in achieving and maintaining a clear skin with youthful glow, and it is believed to help soothe skin inflammation.

9. The antioxidants are thought to help support the immune system.

10. It may help support healthy blood flow because of its iron properties. Pomegranate supports the blood by supplying it with iron, thus may help prevent anemia symptoms that include exhaustion, dizziness, weakness, and hear loss.

11. Aside from having lots of anti-oxidants, pomegranate also might have some anti-viral properties.

12. Pomegranate juice and extract is thought by some women to help in overcoming the feeling of general malaise during menopause.

While no medical claims can be made for pomegranate, the juice is growing in popularity every day as more and more people try it and benefit from it.

12 Pomegranate Health Benefits

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Fertility Blend for Women: 3 Month Supply

!±8± Fertility Blend for Women: 3 Month Supply

Brand : Fertility Blend for Women | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Dec 16, 2011 04:57:06 | Usually ships in 24 hours

Fertility Blend for Women is a scientifically validated herbal nutritional blend designed to improve fertility by optimizing hormonal and menstrual cycle balance. The herb, Vitex (Chasteberry), enhances hormone balance and ovulation frequency. The amino acid, L-arginine, helps improve circulation to the reproductive area. Antioxidants, green tea, vitamin E, and selenium, help repair oxidative damage due to aging and environment. Folic acid assists in the reduction of specific birth defects in children. Vitamins B6, B12, minerals, iron, zinc and magnesium help address specific deficiencies and promote fertility health.

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Obtaining Supplemental Fertility Insurance

!±8± Obtaining Supplemental Fertility Insurance

If you are having a problem getting pregnant and want to see a specialist then you may know how much that can cost. Most infertility clinics have financial counselors that can help you get the help you need to cover costs. If you have some insurance but think you need more you can purchase supplement insurances that will cover what your insurance does not cover. With expensive drugs and procedures and virtually no coverage available under basic health insurance plans, paying for medical treatments can be an enormous struggle for many infertile Americans.

Only a handful of states require employers and insurance companies to offer some kind of infertility insurance. Yet across the country, advocates for the infertile say excluding their condition from insurance plans amounts to discrimination. They want the government to step in.

Is it fair that only the people with money can afford infertility procedures? There are no standards to follow so the coverage varies from state to state. Depending on where you live, you may or may not be covered. This does not really seem fair and for many of us who really want a baby can be frustrating and even sometime heartbreaking. Not only may your insurance not cover the procedures but your place of employment may not recognize or validate you leave time.

What Do We Do
One thing that needs to be done is to contact your insurance company and see what they cover. Go online or contact your local infertility clinic or hospital and talk to an insurance specialist to see if they can help. Many times they will know of a company that they are affiliated with that will help you. Go online, research insurance companies, and supplement infertility insurance. Many times you can find information or contact number where you can contact and get the information you need right then and there. Do not give up.

Having a baby is a dream for the two of you and you do not have to let the system win. There are people and insurance companies out there that will help you. There are also financial counselors out there that can answer all of your questions and concerns. Talk to your doctor, he or she may also be able to help.

When dealing with infertility [] you need to support each other. You will need the support of any one else close to you such as parents and other family members. You will also be connected to a counselor to voice your concerns and ask questions. Utilize those tools and have then help you get the information you need to have a successful pregnancy.

Obtaining Supplemental Fertility Insurance

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Friday, December 2, 2011

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Ovacue Fertility Monitor

!±8± Ovacue Fertility Monitor

Brand : | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Nov 29, 2011 05:27:57 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

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Friday, November 25, 2011

About Fertility Tests

!±8± About Fertility Tests

You can easily find out what your fertile period is if you use an ovulation test or a fertility test, as it is also known. This piece of information is very useful for you if you want to have a baby because you can determine the right time for you to take some action in this way. These fertility tests are based on the LH hormone always being in your urine, the levels of this hormone increasing before the most fertile day of the month.

A large quantity of the LH hormone is released when the woman is about to ovulate, this hormone producing the rupture of the spot where the ovule is and therefore in freeing it. The ovule goes to the peritoneal cavity where the trumps collect it. The release of the ovule occurs after about twenty-four or forty-eight hours from the release of LH hormone.

A fertility test is a rapid analysis which identifies the levels of LH hormone in your urine and anticipates your ovulation period. These tests are usually 99.9 per cent accurate. They work just like the pregnancy tests, meaning that you collect the urine in a small recipient, you introduce the tester in the urine and you read it about five or ten minutes later, according to the instructions on the tester. You will see two red lines if your test is positive and you will only see one line if it is negative.

Usually, this release of LH hormone usually happens in the middle of your period,which means around the thirteenth day.

About Fertility Tests

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Trying to Conceive: Cycle #3, Cycle Day 3

My Charts: AF FINALLY ARRIVED! My cycles are normally 31-35 days long. AF arrived on CD41. This is most likely due to the fact that I ovulated LATE in my cycle again!!! This will be the second cycle, in a row, where my body gave me all the great signs of ovulation (Fertile CM; dip in temp indicating ovulation; positive opk test), but then, I didn't ovulate! Then in about a week, it happens AGAIN!!!! Cycle #2 was crazy! First, there was the ovulating "twice"...but not really. Second, sore tender breasts! I HAVE NEVER EVER HAD THAT BEFORE! NOT EVEN WITH ANY PERIODS!!! Third, ERATIC BBTS! UGH! But here's to Cycle #3. Three times a charm? CONGRATS TO EVERYONE WHO CONCEIVED! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Lady-Comp Fertility Monitor - Fahrenheit

!±8± Lady-Comp Fertility Monitor - Fahrenheit

Brand : VE Valley-Electronics GmbH Germany | Rate : | Price : $485.00
Post Date : Nov 20, 2011 19:35:38 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Trying to get pregnant? Can't take the pill? LadyComp is the best tool for supporting Natural Family Planning and the Fertility Awareness Method. Developed and manufactured in Germany, Lady-Comp has enjoyed tremendous confidence among women and their physicians as Europe's most trusted and recommended fertility monitor. A computer programmed with data from 700,000 cycles, the Lady-Comp sensor captures Basal Body Temperature and then analyzes, learns, and predicts the user's cycle with a 99.3% accuracy rate. With consistent compliance, the device indicates infertile days and provides insight into the fertile window of opportunity before, during, and after ovulation, and retains user data for each day of the previous nine months. No other fertility monitor has the capability to so easily and precisely support natural family planning and the Natural Fertility Awareness method. Now available in the U.S. Lady-Comp is shipped INSURED PRIORITY MAIL FOR ALL CUSTOMERS.

  • Easy to Use, 30/Seconds Per Day for Natural Family Planning
  • 99.3% Accurate: Red light = fertile, Green-light = infertile
  • Natural: No drugs, No side-effects, No test sticks, No effect on mothers milk
  • The 'Intelligent' Fertility Monitor for precision ovulation tracking
  • Easy analysis of the cycle with data capture and result print-out

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

OV-Watch Fertility Predictor Starter Kit with 1 Month Supply of Sensors

!±8± OV-Watch Fertility Predictor Starter Kit with 1 Month Supply of Sensors

Brand : OV-Watch | Rate : | Price : $124.99
Post Date : Nov 12, 2011 12:17:36 | Usually ships in 24 hours

OV-Watch is a clinically proven, patented fertility predictor that is cleared by the FDA. It is a wrist-mounted, bio-sensing medical device that tracks a woman's individual body chemistry to find the 4 crucial days before ovulation-her most fertile days of the month. OV-Watch has a special processor and biosensor that takes readings from your skin every 30 minutes while you sleep. This advanced technology works differently from other ovulation prediction devices in that it tracks chloride ion levels as opposed to LH or estrogen surges. It allows you to be able to fully utilize all 6 days of fertility- the four most crucial fertile days of a woman's cycle before ovulation and the time during ovulation. With OV-Watch, there are no messy, urine strips and no complicated charts. Just wear the watch at night while you sleep knowing that you will be alerted 4 days before ovulation, giving you plenty of time to plan mutiple romantic interludes if desired. If women use a LH urine kit that only detects hours before ovulation, they may miss their most fertile time since by the time ovulation occurs, the egg, which only has a life span of approximately 12-17 hours, is already beginning to die. Sandra Ann Carson, President of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine states, "Although LH peaks accurately detect ovulation, they do not identify the pre-ovulatory fertile period. Up to two thirds of pregnancies are conceived at or prior to ovulation." Nothing can provide you with your entire fertility window like OV-Watch. The Starter Kit comes with the OV-Watch wrist computer, English language Reference Manual and Quick Start Guide, Plastic storage case and 1-3-month supply of sensors. One sensor will last one full cycle. OV-Watch has a 30 day money back guarantee (any reason) and a full 6 month warranty. OV-Watch is there for its customers. OV-Watch's Customer Care line is 1.866.OVWATCH for service or free medical education through our customer newsletter.

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Friday, October 28, 2011

Fertility Scope Saliva Based Ovulation Test 1 ea

!±8±Fertility Scope Saliva Based Ovulation Test 1 ea

Brand : Fertility Scope
Rate :
Price : $39.95
Post Date : Oct 28, 2011 17:54:04
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Saliva Test ~ The New Generation in Ovulation Testing!
Unlimited Tests ~ 98% Accur

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